IT Infrastructure
If you have ever completed a jigsaw puzzle, you’ll understand that it requires an ordered approach to complete the puzzle. The first step and I assume everyone else who has done at least one in your life realizes immediately that all the pieces must face picture side up. After that you sort for colors and distinctive pieces. You start to cross check the boxes image of the puzzle. It is at that stage that you feel confident that some of these pieces can match. The rest now falls into trial and error of fitting the match. As the picture starts to come into place your confidence and fun elevates and this entire puzzle comes to life.
You are probably thinking what does a puzzle have to do with IT Infrastructure, its transformations, refreshes, deployments. Well, we are in an era of ever changing and challenging IT Transformations. So, the same kind of experience on that 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle can be related to that huge enterprise IT Infrastructure Transformation. Except that the IT Transformation is usually a lot less fun. As an emerging company doing IT projects on Transformations, Migrations, Refreshes, Deployments and Upgrades for Enterprise clients we have learned and experienced a lot in respect to figuring out the jigsaw puzzle.
First and foremost is that the planning stage must be flexible and Agile to coin the word. Like the jigsaw puzzle you can’t start facing up the pieces unless you have the table and room to do so, unless you want to endlessly search the puzzle box each time. In that respect for Enterprise Transformations you require the entire Enterprise to be onboard and understanding of what you are looking to accomplish. These early planning stages to understand the task at hand are critical. But what if after all your careful research and planning certain pieces don’t work right together? Or a piece of your puzzle is missing? When something as simple as WIFI connectivity can delay your project for days, even weeks. Despite even the most planned project there are always those pieces to the IT plan that don’t exactly fit. It is much like that puzzle piece that looks like it belongs as a match but it doesn’t. Unless you have done a few puzzles recently and prior the process can be slow and time consuming. This is very much the case with Enterprise IT projects. Unless you have performed a few very recently the process can be slow, over budget and over the timeline of delivery. Having smart planning and smart hands to deliver on your project is crucial. Having the right partners and resources is paramount. It is this selection, trust and confidence with your client that makes the difference for these Enterprise IT Departments. We as a company have experienced first-hand a number of these complex puzzles. The more we deliver on complex IT Infrastructure solutions the sharper we are at accomplishing those puzzles. That means finishing that IT project off for our client, on time and on budget. Then we can enjoy that puzzle we undertook. Let me do another puzzle maybe that 2000 piece one!